
.NET Topic Titles

Abbreviations: EF: Entity Framework, MVC: Model-View-Controller, API: WebApi, CA: Clean Architecture, CQRS: Command Query Responsibility Segregation, MS: Microservices

1) Data Definition Language (DDL)
2) Data Manipulation Language (DML)
3) Select Queries
4) Sub Queries
5) Joins
6) Group By and Having
7) Union
8) If-Else and Case
9) Select Functions
10) Variables
11) Temporary Tables
12) Views
13) Stored Procedures
14) User Defined Functions
15) Triggers
16) Transactions
17) Constraints
18) Indexes
19) Identity Insert

1) Types and Variables
2) Arithmetic Operations
3) Methods
4) Method Overload
5) Conditionals
6) Loops
7) Arrays
8) String
9) DateTime
10) Math

1) Classes
2) Encapsulation
3) Inheritance
4) Abstract Classes
5) Virtual Methods
6) Interfaces
7) Accessibility Modifiers
8) Constructors
9) Constructors in Inheritance
10) Dependency Injection
11) Value And Reference Types
12) Static Classes and Methods
13) Collections
14) LINQ (Language Integrated Query) and Delegates
15) Generics
16) Attributes and Reflection
17) Exceptions
18) Text File Operations
19) Extension Methods

1) Database First and Code First Approaches
2) Lazy Loading and Eager Loading
3) Entities and Database Contexts
4) Data Annotations (Attributes)
5) Connection Strings
6) CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) Operations
7) ToList, Where, Find, SingleOrDefault, FirstOrDefault and LastOrDefault Methods
8) IQueryable Interface
9) Any and All Methods
10) Cascade and No Action Delete Rules
11) Models (DTOs: Data Transfer Objects)
12) Inner and Left Outer Joins
13) Group By
14) Sum, Max, Min, Avg and Count Methods

1) HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
Tags and Attributes
2) CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
Inline, Internal and External
3) Javascript
Types and Variables, Functions, Conditionals, Loops, Arrays, Classes and DOM (Document Object Model) Manipulation
4) jQuery
Selectors and Events
5) Bootstrap
Containers, Grid System, Colors, Tables, Images, Jumbotron, Buttons, Badges, Forms, Navbar, Carousel and Modal

1) Server Client Architecture
2) Routing
3) Controllers, Actions and Views (Controller Views, Shared Views and Partial Views)
4) Models
5) Server Side and Client Side Validations with Data Annotations
6) ViewBag, ViewData and TempData
7) View Models
8) HTML and Tag Helpers
9) App Settings and Launch Settings
10) IoC (Inversion of Control) Containers and Dependency Injection
11) Action Name and Action Method Selectors
12) Filters, Authentication and Authorization
13) Sections
14) AJAX (Asynchronous Javascript And XML)
15) Areas
16) Bundling and Minification
17) File Upload
18) Session
19) View Components
20) Asynchronous Programming
21) Display and Editor Templates
22) Security about Anti Forgery and Script Injections
23) Logging
24) Identity Framework
25) Ordering, Paging and Filtering Operations
26) Static Files (HTML, CSS, Javascript, Image, etc.) and Client Side Libraries
27) Response Caching
28) Automapper, FluentValidation and Autofac Libraries
29) Scaffolding

1) Server Client Architecture
2) Request and Response
3) Routing
4) Controllers and Actions
5) Models
6) Server Side Validations with Data Annotations
7) App Settings and Launch Settings
8) IoC (Inversion of Control) Containers and Dependency Injection
9) CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing)
10) Filters
11) Bearer Token and JWT (JSON Web Token) Authentication and Authorization
12) Areas
13) Asynchronous Programming
14) Logging
15) Identity Framework
16) Response Caching
17) Automapper, FluentValidation and Autofac Libraries
18) Swagger and Postman
19) Scaffolding

1) Core
Tüm projelerde kullanılmak üzere Repository Pattern uygulanan, temel ve generic yapıları içeren katman
2) DataAccess
Entity Framework Core kullanılan, entity'leri ve database context'leri içeren Veri Erişim Katmanı
3) Business
Entity Model dönüşümleri, validasyonlar, vb. yapılan servisleri içeren İş Katmanı
4) MVC
ASP.NET Core MVC Web Uygulama Katmanı
5) WebApi
RESTful Web Servis Katmanı

1) Core
1.1) Application Katmanı:
Request ve Response'lar
Request Response dönüşümlerini içeren Feature'lar
1.2) Domain Katmanı:
2) Infrastructure
2.1) Persistence Katmanı:
Database context'ler
3) Presentation
3.1) ASP.NET Core MVC Web Uygulama Katmanı
3.2) ASP.NET Core WebApi RESTful Web Servis Katmanı

1) Birbirinden bağımsız veritabanları işlemlerini gerçekleştiren API'ler
2) Generic Repository ile Unit of Work Design Pattern'ları
3) CQRS ve Mediator Design Pattern'larını uygulayan Clean Architecture
4) FluentValidation ve Generic AutoMapper implementasyonları
5) Ocelot Gateway

1) Creational Patterns
Factory Method Pattern
Singleton Pattern
2) Behavioral Patterns
Mediator Pattern
Chain of Responsibility Pattern
3) Structural Patterns
Adapter Pattern
Decorator Pattern
4) Diğerleri
Repository Pattern
CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) Pattern

1) WebAssembly
2) Consuming RESTful Services
3) Components, Shared Components, Parameters and Multiple Parameters
4) Binding
5) Forms and Data Annotations Validation
6) Layouts
7) Dependency Injection
8) Routing and Navigation Manager
9) Injecting and Using HttpClient in Services
10) Static Files (HTML, CSS, Javascript, Image, etc.) and Client Side Libraries
11) Helpers
12) Filtering, Authentication State, JWT (JSON Web Token) Authentication and Authorization
13) Using JQuery Libraries, Local Storage and Modal