Welcome to E-Trade Demo
ASP.NET Core MVC Web Application Demo powered by N4Core Framework
Admin Account Password: admin
User Account Password: user
MVC E-Trade Demo:
I) All users can list the products.
II) Authenticated users can see the details of the products.
III) Authenticated users can create, update and delete the products.
IV) Admins can export the product list in Excel format.
V) Admins can also perform all category and store operations.
API E-Trade Demo:
I) All users can get the product list in JSON.
II) Authenticated users can get the details of the products in JSON.
III) Authenticated users can create, update and delete the products.
IV) Admins can also perform all category and store operations.
V) JWT URL = POST: AccountApi/Token
VI) Products URL = ProductsApi (GET, POST, PUT and DELETE)
VII) Categories URL = CategoriesApi (GET, POST, PUT and DELETE)
VIII) Stores URL = StoresApi (GET, POST, PUT and DELETE)